Cultural property protection manual

the protection of cultural property. The manual does not aim to provide definitive legal interpretations of the provisions of the instruments it describes, as this lies rather with the States Parties. UNESCO Manual on the Protection of Cultural Property More recently the Institute supported the drafting of the UNESCO Manual on the Protection of Cultural Property. The Manual, compiled by a team of internationally-renowned experts, serves as a practical guide to the implementation by military forces of the rules governing the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict. The cultural property protection manual: The how to guide for managers/administrators [Layne, Stevan P] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The cultural property protection manual: The how to guide for managers/administratorsAuthor: Stevan P Layne.

Cultural Property Protection policy and doctrine articulated and adopted at the ministry of defense level with appropriate staffing and documents. A clear understanding of the international and domestic legal requirements for cultural property protection during the course of military operations. These requirements need. 1. Cultural property protection in general The CCOE factsheet on CPP provides a brief introduction to the concept of cultural property and its protection.6 This section reiterates basic information on PP, tackling the ‘what’, ‘who’, ‘why’, and ‘when’. The involvement of military and security forces in the protection of cultural property in times of conflict was highlighted, and the meeting launched the “Military Manual on Protection of Cultural Property”. The Director of the UNESCO Heritage Division presented a new and innovative training tool, published by UNESCO with the support of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (Sanremo, Italy) and funded by the Republic of Azerbaijan.

This course is co-published with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and is based on the UNESCO Military Manual on. This Handbook provides a cutting edge study of the fast developing field of international law on the protection of cultural heritage by taking stock of the. O'Keefe, R; Péron, C; Musayev, T; Ferrari, G; Law, IIOH; () Protection of cultural property military manual. (1st ed.). UNESCO Publishing: Paris, France.


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