· Instruction manual for the Delta Model Type 2 4" Belt/6" Disc Sander in good, pre-owned condition with minor use marks. Staples tight. Includes English and Spanish www.doorway.ru is the manual only, not the sander. The Delta Model is a 4" Belt; 6" Disc Sander and comes equipped with; 1/3 hp Volt Single Phase Induction. FOREWORD The Delta Model is a 4" Belt; 6" Disc Sander and comes equipped with; 1/3 hp Volt Single Phase Induction Motor, tilting table, miter gage, backstop, 4" x 36" 60 grit sanding belt and 6" 60 grit sanding disc. The tilting aluminum table can be mounted for use on either the belt or disc unit. Page 6: Adjusting Belt Tension. The Delta Model is a 4" Belt; 6" Disc Sander and comes equipped with; 1/3 hp V olt Single Phase Induction. Motor, tilting table, miter gage, backstop, 4" x 36" 60 grit sanding belt and 6" 60 grit sanding disc. The tilting aluminum. table can be mounted for use on either the belt or disc unit. Belt operates horizontal, vertical and at.
Delta 4" Belt / 6" Disc Sander (Model ) Instruction Manual No type # follows Model # (e.g., Type 2) for this manual: Manufacturer: Delta Specialty/Delta Mfg. Co./Delta-Rockwell/Rockwell Intl. - Milwaukee, WI; Jackson, TN; Tupelo, MS: Publication Type: Sanders/Grinders: Pages: Publication Date: The Delta Model is a 4" Belt; 6" Disc Sander and comes equipped with; 1/3 hp V olt Single Phase Induction. Motor, tilting table, miter gage, backstop, 4" x 36" 60 grit sanding belt and 6" 60 grit sanding disc. The tilting aluminum. table can be mounted for use on either the belt or disc unit. Belt operates horizontal, vertical and at. Instruction manual for the Delta Model Type 2 4" Belt/6" Disc Sander in good, pre-owned condition with minor use marks. Staples tight. Includes English and Spanish www.doorway.ru is the manual only, not the sander. The Delta Model is a 4" Belt; 6" Disc Sander and comes equipped with; 1/3 hp Volt Single Phase Induction.
FOR ROCKWELL. DELTA ABRASIVE. FINISHING. MACHINES. 81/2" Disc Sander. Sander/Grinder. 12" Abrasive Disc. Finishing Machine. 6" Belt 12". Disc Finishing. Delta Tool Part Delta Drive Belt for SA 4" Belt/6" Disk Sander sub. Owner's Manuals; BDSA Type 1 BELT/DISC SANDER. MANUAL. 6" Belt / 9" Disc Sander. (Model ). PART NO. () goggles, dust masks and hearing protection can reduce your potential for injury.