The Goldline GLLCO differential temperature controls is designed to provide maximum operating efficiency and flexibility to effectively manage today's innovative solar energy systems. It is a continuation of the advanced electronic technology which produced the popular C and CM controllers - standards of the solar industry since , with hundreds of thousands of units installed worldwide. The GL is a differential temperature control for solarheating. The control output is typically wired to a circulator pump or blower which is turned on when the collector sensor temperature is hotter Specifications (-LCO) Solar Control than the storage sensor temperature. The control also provides an adjustable high limit ñmction. The system test switch manually switches the GL to ON, AUTO, or OFF for complete control over the system at all times. Goldline TD-GL Digital Monitor The GL contains a quick plug-in adaptor for easy connection to a Goldline TD-GL snap-in digital monitor. This combination provides a digital readout of ±1ºF temperature accuracy for maximizing operatingFile Size: KB.
Goldline GLLCO Solar Control, with Line Cord, with 2 Sensors. CALL NOW TO ORDER! () Sun Source Energy Products | "The Solar Source". Factory Authorized Solar Distributor and Solar Wholesale. Aquatherm Pool Heating Collectors | SunEarth Panels. Solar Storage Tanks with Heat Exchangers. Solar Storage Tanks without Heat Exchangers. The Goldline GLLCO differential temperature control is designed to provide maximum operating efficiency and flexibility to effectively manage today's innovative solar energy systems. It is a continuation of the advanced electronic technology which produced the popular C and CM controllers - standards of the solar industry since , with hundreds of thousands of units installed worldwide. The Goldline GLLCO differential temperature controls is designed to provide maximum operating efficiency and flexibility to effectively manage today's innovative solar energy systems. It is a continuation of the advanced electronic technology which produced the popular C and CM controllers - standards of the solar industry since , with hundreds of thousands of units installed worldwide.
The solar energy system described by this manual, when properly installed and maintained, meets the The specified controller, the Goldline GLLCO. Throughout this manual warning, danger, caution and attention notices appear. Read these items carefully before attempting any installation, service or. Operating manual consists of 2 volumes. Printed in the Federal Output in HP-GL Format. 30 V, suitable measures should be taken to.