Grant administration manual

This handbook was developed through collaboration with Hillsborough County grant administration personnel, through a series of meetings with teams and team leaders that began in March This document is a living document, and contains federal, state, and County policy that by its nature may be revised over time as regulations change, new. The County will maintain a Grants Administration Manual that sets forth County procedures for administering all awards and pass-through awards in keeping with the requirements of the Uniform Guidance and other applicable statutes, rules, regulations and guidance documents. RGPO Grant Administration Manual - Page | 1 1 Smart Simple ( PREFACE This is the edition of the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Research Grants Program Office (RGPO) Grant Administration Manual for Statewide Research Programs (SRP) and UC Research Initiatives .

This SFY edition of the Department of Community Health (DCH) Grant Administration Policy and Procedures (GAPP) Manual establishes standards for the managing of program objectives and funding for recipients of DCH Grants. This manual provides guidance through the entire grant life cycle-from contemplating an application. The CDBG/NSP Grant Administration Manual provides guidance for both the CDBG and the NSP Program. NSP grantees are encouraged to use the NSP website to access the specific NSP guidance in Chapter 15 which provides NSP specific forms and exhibits. RGPO Grant Administration Manual - Page | 1 1 Smart Simple ( PREFACE This is the edition of the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) Research Grants Program Office (RGPO) Grant Administration Manual for Statewide Research Programs (SRP) and UC Research Initiatives (UCRI).

engaged in grants administration in Hillsborough County. The integrity of the County's agency grants office website and subscribe per instructions. Grant Administration Manual for the Community Development Block Grant. Documents with revisions have version date of 6/1/20 and a summary of revisions is. offer is no longer valid. ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW AND GRANT START. Policy on Unresolved Issues. Regardless of contract execution, research costs may not.


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