This manual contains all the technical information necessary for carrying out repairs on the GC saw. For safe, efficient work, it is of prime importance that the values indicated be adhered to. Routine . 2. SPECIFICATIONS GC SERVICE MANUAL Engine Type 2-stroke Single Cylinder Air Cooled Displacement cu-in ( cc) Horsepower 5 hp ( kW) @ 9, rpm Torque in-lbs ( Nm) @ 6, rpm Engine Speed 11, +/- rpm (max) 2,, rpm (idle) Weight 21 lbs ( kg) without guidebar and diamond chain Dimensions 18 inches (46cm) length. GC OPERATOR’S MANUAL TITLE REFERENCE APPROXIMATE CUTTING RATES Material Cutting Rate Hard aggregate Steel sq-in/min ( sq-cm/min) Medium aggregates .
This manual contains all the technical information necessary for carrying out repairs on the GC saw. For safe, efficient work, it is of prime importance that the values indicated be adhered to. Routine periodic maintenance is covered in the operator’s manual included with each saw. ICS, Blount International Inc. Supersedes all previous pricing. Specifications and pricing are subect to change without notice. REV II TABLE OF CONTENTS GC Gas Concrete Saw ITEM DESCRIPTION KEY PAGE GC Gas Saw Service Items - Serial numbers starting n/a 1 Starter Assembly - Serial numbers starting A 2. GC Safety Notifications READ THE Safety NOTICES from the ICS GC Operation Manual. It is each end user's responsibility to utilize the Manufacturer's published information for current changes.
High Quality ES - ICS Replacement Part for Chainsaws. 12 inch and 14 inch Replacement guide bar for the ICS GC concrete chain saw. The ICS GC () concrete chainsaw is built to be versatile on the construction site, Download: ICS GC manual (model: ). Built to meet the operational and flexibility demands of the general construction audience, the GC stands alone in terms of reliability and value.