Alternaria and identification manual

 · Title: Alternaria an identification manual cbs, Author: HattieRichardson, Name: Alternaria an identification manual cbs, Length: 4 pages, Page: 1, Published: Issuu Search and overview. Alternaria - an identification manual; pp. Publisher information; American Society of Microbiology Washington D.C. USA; Language of Text; English; Language of Summary; Organism descriptor(s) Alternaria; Alternaria yali-inficiens; fungi; Deuteromycota; Descriptor(s) identification; invasive species; pathogens; plant pathogenic fungi; plant pathogens; Identifier. Alternaria. An Identification Manual. Field / Identification Guide. Series: CBS Biodiversity Series Volume: 6. By: Emory G Simmons. pages, line drawings. Publisher: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures. Click to have a closer look. ISBN: Hardback Nov In Count: 1.

TITLE: Identification of Alternaria spp. as Pathogenic on the Native Species Terminalia australis and Salvia guaranitica. AUTHORS: Mariana Kameniecki, Eduardo R. Wright, Marta C. Rivera. KEYWORDS: Alternaria tenuissima; Terminalia australis; A. alternata; Salvia guaranitica; Diagnosis. Alternaria An Identification Manual safety and efficacy of hydroxy analogue of methionine and. emergency management wikipedia. new products csiropedia. diversity and taxonomy of chaetomium and. Alternaria postmessia E.G. Simmons, Alternaria: an identification manual: [MB#] Currently unavailable We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. The identification of Alternaria species by examining morphological characters is not a Simmons EG, Simmons, E. G. (). Alternaria. An Identification Manual. In: Biodiversity No 6.

9 ມ.ສ. The fungal genus Alternaria was distributed widely and found in () Alternaria: An identification manual, CBS Biodiversity Series 6. 17 ພ.ຈ. Univ. 5(2): Simmons, E. G. Alternaria: An Identification Manual. CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Alternaria gaurae E.G. Simmons C.F. Hill, CBS Biodiversity Series 6: () [MB#]. General information. Classification.


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