Includes 1 BASC-3 Manual, 1 BESS Manual, 1 PRQ Manual, 1 Flex Monitor Digital Manual, 10 Q-global Interpretive Summary Report usages for TRS, PRS, SRP, SDH, PRQ, SOS forms, 10 Q-global BESS and 10 Q-global FLEX Monitor report usages. Qty. In stock $ Add to cart. TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR’S AND ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE MANUAL RADIO SET AN/PRC (NSN ) (Including Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT /PRC) (NSN ) This copy is a reprint which includes current pages from Changes 1 and 2. This publication is required for official use or for administrative or operational File Size: 2MB. AN/PRQ-7 Combat Survivor/Evader Locator (CSEL) combines selective availability GPS, UHF line of sight and UHF satellite communications along with a Sarsat beacon. It can send predefined messages digitally along with the user's location.[13][14] As of , the PRQ-7 cost $ each, "batteries not included." A rechargeable lithium-ion batteryFile Size: KB.
AN/PRQ-7 Radio Set will replace the AN/PRCB Radio Set as systems become available and as the AN/PRCB is transitioned out of current fleet inventories. G. DESCRIPTION OF NEW DEVELOPMENT 1. A reference AN/PRQ-7 Hand-held Radio is inserted into the left interface slot. The CSEL Radio Set Adapter (RSA) (part number J/PRQ-7) is described as the "Control, Radio Set Transfer" and is referred to as the Radio Set Adapter (RSA). The CSEL AN/PRQ-7 is a fit, form, and function replacement for the survival radios AN/PRC and AN/PRC The AN/PRQ-7 HHR is designed for one-handed operation, right or left, even with flight gloves or modified winter gloves.
The AN/PRQ-7 is a multifunction handheld radio that enables the warfighter to communicate position and text messages securely through the CSEL. Handheld non rechargeable Lithium Manganese Dioxide radio battery typically used in AN/PRQ-7 CSEL (Boeing Combat Survivor Evader Locator Radio). A4ACAB, 3, 7/8″, , , A4ACAB, , 7/8″, , , A4AC3 Submittal Pack (AM-PRQ-A4ACA-1E-EN)