Ck3100 instruction manual

User manual instruction guide for HAND'S FREE CAR KIT CK PARROT. Setup instructions, pairing guide, and how to reset. PARROT HAND'S FREE CAR KIT ck 10 05 04 en fr. Find the latest user guides, updates, firmware, support documentation and downloads for your Parrot CK car kit on Parrot CK LCD Manuals User Guides. User Manuals, Guides and Specifications for your Parrot CK LCD Automobile Accessories. Database contains 24 Parrot CK LCD Manuals (available for free online viewing or downloading in PDF): Operation user’s manual, Installation manual, Quick start manual, Specifications.

Parrot produces a variety of hands-free mobile phone devices that help you use your mobile phone legally and safely while driving. One such device is the CK, which can be fitted in your vehicle with the right tools and technique. 10 CK Advanced Car Kit User’s guide The menu of the CK is made up of the following head-ings: phone book, call log, dial number, voice cmds, settings, SIM card, GPS. Synchronisation of your telephone index with the CK is one of the innovative functions of this hands-free kit. This synchronisation is automatic with numerous telephones. Parrot CK LCD: Frequently viewed Manuals Rear View Safety RVSFW Instruction Manual Instruction manual (26 pages) Crimestopper Security Products RS RSER User Manual Operating instructions manual (9 pages).

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