34 rows · · R/C Tester: Regulated Power Supply: Special thanks to . If its the model , it does have a leakage test that can test caps for leakage at their working voltages which is useful. Although the Conar manuals I've seen make it clear that the parts supplied were a kit that was to be assembled, and not to be used for anything else, some home study electronics courses sent you a bunch of components. Vintage Conar Capacitor Bridge/Leakage Tester. Great condition. Functioning. Shipped UPS Ground. This unit is fully functional as well as being in extremely good condition inside and out. Cabinet has original paint, and front panel is immaculate. Has original line cord also which is in great condition. Printout of manual is www.doorway.ru: Conar.
Download CONAR VTVM CSVOLTMERO SM service manual repair info for electronics experts. CONAR RESISTOR-CAPACITOR TESTER AC-BRIDGE SM CONAR MODEL. EICO RC Capacitor Bridge. If you are servicing/designing audio amplifiers this is a valuable resource. This device is great for component testing. Case is in good cond. This instrument comes from the original owner. Comes with the original manual (Normally hard to find) Stock, No Mods. Controls operate fine. Title: Conar RC Tester Author: KB7RGG Keywords: www.doorway.ru Created Date: 11/27/ PM.
(See instructions and Manual of Radio Frequency Measurements, Make check or money order to CONAR, SEND FOR FREE CONAR CATALOG CONAR Division of National. Heathkit C-3 Capacitor Condenser Checker Leakage Tester with Manual *TESTED* Conar Model , Resistance Capacitance Bridge and Leakage tester. Complete instructions on the operation and maintenance of the AKAI DeLuxe reel to reel Conar Signal Generator Manual NAVSHIPS