· ref b is mco , enlisted retention and career development manual. ref c is mco pd w/ch 2, marine corps promotion manual, volume 2, . · CAREER PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT GUIDE CHAPTER l INTRODUCTION PURPOSE 1. The pr1mary purpose of the Career Plann1ng Program lS the retent1on of h1ghly qualified officer and enlisted Marines. Retention of quality Marines w1ll ensure the maintenance of a career force which 1s composed of Marines who are capable of. enlisted retention and career development manual. deleted. mco p. mco pj. enlisted retention and career development manual read more. mco p. .
narr/reference (a) is mco r marine corps reserve enlisted retention and career development program. REFERENCE (B) IS MCO CH 2 SEPARATION AND RETIREMENT MANUAL//. The Enlisted Retention and Counseling Section is responsible to the Commandant of the Marine Corps for managing the Marine Corps Career Planning Program. NARR/REF A IS MCO , ENLISTED RETENTION AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT. REF B IS MCO NAVMC F MILITARY OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTIES (MOS) MANUAL// FY21 MOS Manual has been updated to include.
o Adds list of prohibited enlisted MOS career fields for Soldiers convicted o Adds information concerning the new Retention Management. retention program and defines required Career Development Team. (CDT) training. enlisted career development initiatives within the command and. Regular Army enlistment ranks and military occupational specialties for the Army Retention Interviews and Career Planning, page