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 · — Fujifilm - FCR by Fujifilm Download PDF Product Details I need the user and service manuals from FUJI FCR XG Parts Find.. fcr carbonâ„¢ cr systems medical systems fujifilm usa. fuji fcr service manual pdf featured products fujifilm usa. fuji fcr manual · gitbook. fuji fcr xg manual. FUJI COMPUTED RADIOGRAPHY. CR-IR (FCR ) CR-IRP (FCR plus) Service Manual. The relationship between mR (milliroentgen), which is the unit of radiation, and C/kg (micro-coulomb/kilogram), which is the SI derived unit of /5(9). Scope. This Service Manual is applicable to Fuji Computed Radiography CR-IR and CR-IRP. The machine is categorized as Class 1 according to IEC classification. For the console (hereinafter abbreviated as CSL), reference should be made to .

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