Htc touch pro service manual

 · Thanks marios, I've already got the Diamond Service Manual and I noticed the positioning of the sim card and screws are different so it wasn't useful. If I don't get the service manual by this Friday, I will attempt opening my HTC Touch pro without it. (Not the best outcome but I can't resist myself from using my new toy daily! ;-)) Thanks anyway!  · For these adventurous types the HTC Raphael Service manual may be of great use, as it describes in great detail how to disassemble the Touch Pro safely (and believe me, it looks pretty tricky). The manual is presently available to download from HTCwinmobile here. Get it quick, because who knows how long it will last. The HTC Touch Pro is an enhanced version of the HTC Touch Pro with a left-side slide-out QWERTY keyboard, with tilting screen. HTC Touch Pro 2 troubleshooting, repair, and service manuals.

To repair your HTC Touch Pro CDMA, use our service manual. Step 1 HTC Touch Pro CDMA Teardown Many praises have been given to HTC ever since its recent diversion into the self-branded handset space. I managed to get the Service Manual for the HTC Touch Pro/Raphael. It's jam packed with all the hardware information you need to disassemble and assemble the Touch Pro. It also has the spare parts number and some trouble shooting software, but you need to be registered with HTC as an approved techie to get that software, not that I want to anyway. So download the manual open up your Touch Pro's!!. Touch Diamond. HTC Diamond Service Dismantling HTC Diamond and variants. Dismantling Video. HTC Diamond disassembly video. Touch Diamond 2. Touch Diamond 2 Guide by Touch HD. Touch Pro. HTC Raphael Service Manual. A general guide by Andrew Mak initially to show the process. of.

View online( pages) or download PDF( MB) HTC Touch 2 User manual HTC Touch, and HTC Care are trademarks and/or service marks of HTC Corporation. Repair manual HTC Touch Pro 2, for HTC Touch Pro 2 parts: on Facebook to read. 2 Jul HTC Corporation. Raphael. Service Manual Add picture and “Return to HTC” column on chapter B. DO NOT TOUCH THE DOUBLE SIDED.


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