The internal format of the binary files produced by luac is likely to change when a new version of Lua is released. So, save the source files of all Lua programs that you precompile. OPTIONS Options must be separate. -l produce a listing of the compiled bytecode for Lua's virtual machine. Listing bytecodes is useful to learn about Lua's virtual. Lua Reference Manual. The reference manual is the official definition of the Lua language. For a complete introduction to Lua programming, see the book Programming in Lua. This manual is also available as a book: Lua Reference Manual by R. Ierusalimschy, L. H. de Figueiredo, W. Celes., August ISBN lua_newthread [-0, +1, m] lua_State *lua_newthread (lua_State *L); Crea un nuevo proceso, lo coloca en la pila y retorna un puntero a un lua_State que representa este nuevo proceso. El nuevo estado retornado por esta función comparte con el original todos los objetos globales (como las tablas), pero tiene una pila de ejecución independiente.
Converts the Lua value at the given acceptable index to a C boolean value (0 or 1). Like all tests in Lua, lua_toboolean returns 1 for any Lua value different from false and nil; otherwise it returns 0. It also returns 0 when called with a non-valid index. Lua Reference Manual – errata The corrections below refer to the printed version. The online version is kept updated and possibly contains additional corrections. Minor typos are not listed here. Inserted text, deleted text, and corrected text have been marked in color. page 16, section lua_call [-(nargs + 1), +nresults, e] void lua_call (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults); Llama a una función. Para llamar a una función se debe usar el siguiente protocolo: primero, la función a ser invocada se coloca en la parte superior de la pila; entonc.
21 ກ.ຍ. the code created can then be executed using loadstring(): if you have passed an. For information on constructing Lua patterns, a form of [regular expression], see: * These functions are part of the Lua programming language (v), described in the Lua Reference Manual. In addition to this list, see also Debugging.